

来源:手游网 小编:团子 时间:2023-07-13

您好,领学网为您解答压抑用英语可以译为depressed 例句他们也感觉到了同样沉重压抑的寂静The same heavy,brooding silence descended on them望采纳;例You#39re not still brooding over what he said, are you?你还在为他说的话郁闷,是吗?4 Sick at heart Sick at heart不是心脏有病,而是指心里面难受,意指ldquo伤感rdquo例The idea of children。

7 She kissed him and gazed into his dark, brooding eyes她吻了吻他,久久凝视着他乌黑忧郁的双眼8 She swivelled her chair round and stared out across the back lawn她把椅子转过来,向外凝视着屋后的;broodinglyadv副词 美语音标#39brud#618#331li沉思地徘徊不去地在实际应用中可做引申,在修饰形容词时,如broodingly sexy broodingly handsome等表达中,broodingly 表示的是“性感”“英俊”的。

4She fell to brooding about what had happened to her她开始沉思默想自己的遭遇英语单词词性判断技巧单词量在很大程度上决定了阅读的成绩,如何高效的背单词已经成为了很多学生关系的重点问题,接下来小编告诉你英语;孵卵的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍一网络解释点此查看计划详细内容孵卵孵卵broodingofeggs鸟产卵后,伏在卵上加温的习性,称为孵卵孵卵多由雌性进行,但也有雌雄交替孵卵的鸽海鸥。


其一为反省深思reflection,面对并试图解决问题与困难其二为强迫思考brooding,焦虑或沮丧地思考 Treynor等发现,强迫思考与抑郁水平显著相关另外,尽管反省深思和强迫思考均与当前的抑郁水平正相关,但反省深思与后来抑郁水平的降低相关。

深邃的眼睛的英文deep eyes eye 读法 英 a#618 美 a#6181n 眼睛视力眼光见解,观点 2vt 注视,看 短语1to the eye adv 从表面上看来公然 2an eye for 对很有兴趣。

hatch incubate gestation brooding例句一旦鸡蛋孵化后,蛋壳就没用了Once the eggs have hatched the shells are left behindIncubation Park 孵化园 例句奉贤高新技术产业孵化园科学发展的理论解读 Theoretical。

brooding 沉思的 Usually only one man does the rounds 通常只有一个人在巡逻 there is brigands in the hills of late 近来山里有土匪 poor merchant gutted for his coinpurse,was a grisly sight 穷商人在讨他的债,多么恐怖的。

He wandered along the street ,thinking and thinking brooding and brooding 他在街头游来荡去,想了又想,盘算了又盘算 3为了生动 While stars and nebulae look like specks or small patches of light they are really en。

孵化 fū huàhatch incubate gestation brooding例句一旦鸡蛋孵化后,蛋壳就没用了Once the eggs have hatched the shells are left behindIncubation Park 孵化园 例句奉贤高新技术产业孵化园科学发展的。

He wandered along the street ,thinking and thinking brooding and brooding他在街头游来荡去,想了又想,盘算了又盘算3为了生动 While stars and nebulae look like specks or small patches of light they are。


形容词 brooding,副词 broodingly,时态 brooded,brooding,broods,这些动词均有“烦恼担忧”之意 worry普通用词,着重使人焦虑烦恼或深深不安 brood语气比worry强,多指沉思沮丧或忧郁 care多指极强烈的关心。

忧郁的眼睛sad eyes, melancholy eyes。



